Knapsack Sprayer

prominent features of Knapsack Sprayer


Knapsack sprayer particularly is for use on small farms, gardens, poultry sheds, animals etc. The stainless-steel tank is impact and corrosion resistant.

Technical Features

Drive: N/A
No of Cylinders: N/A
Displacement (ml): N/A
Horse Power: N/A
Tyre Size: N/A

Knapsack sprayer particularly is for use on small farms, gardens, poultry sheds, animals etc. The stainless-steel tank is impact and corrosion resistant.

  • Knapsack sprayer particularly is for use on small farms, gardens , poultry sheds, animals etc.
  • The stainless-steel tank is impact and corrosion resistant.
  • cylinder, piston , valves and pressure makes up the pressure mechanism.
  • Moreover , brass makes up the chamber (a material having proven resistant to the action of agricultural chemicals)


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PRODUCT NAME: Knapsack Sprayer